Party wall award faqS

Do I need a Party Wall Award?

If your proposed building works are on or near a shared party wall its likely your works will ‘trigger’ the Party Wall Act. 

When should I appoint a Surveyor?

The first step would be to appoint a surveyor or agent to serve a Party Wall Notice on your behalf. While you can serve a Notice yourself owners often use surveyor to ensure the Notice is served correctly.

What does the Award include?

A Party Wall is a legally binding document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of the owners carrying out the building works. 

What is the cost of a Party Wall Award?

The cost of the Party Wall Award depends of the complexity of the proposed building works. We can provide a competitive fixed fee, contact us today.

Does a Party Wall Award Expire?

A Party Wall Award is ordinarily valid for 12 months from the date it is served.

Need more info?

Head over to our page on Party Wall Awards for further information or watch our explainer video to learn more about Party Wall Awards.

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