building owner party wall

Building Owners

Building Owners

Planning a Project?

Under the Party Wall Act, the owners of the premises planning to undertake a building project are known as the ‘Building Owner’.

As a building owner you have a legal obligation to notify the owners of the neighboring properties that are affect by the act. These are known as the ‘adjoining owners’.If you are planning a building project that includes any of the following works, it’s likely you’ll have to serve Party Wall Notice to the adjoining owners. 

  • Excavation with 3 or 6 meters of your property 
  • Cutting into the shared Party Wall
  • Removal of a chimney breast
  • Increase/decrease the height of a Party Wall

Obligations of a Building Owner

As a building owner you must inform the adjoining neighbours of your intentions of your proposed work that full under the act. prior to commencing work. Once you have notified your neighbours with a Party Wall Notice, the owners can either consent or dissent to the Notice.

In consenting to the Party Wall a Notice, the building owner can commence their proposed works.

If the adjoining owners ‘Dissents’ to the Party Wall Notice, surveyors will need to be appointed to resolve what is known as a ‘dispute’ under that Act. The surveyors will agree on how the works will be executed and Agree the costs for surveyors. This agreement will be set out in the Party Wall Award, also referred to as the Party Wall Agreement

Building Owner Advice

Hudson are here to provide expert guidance and advice to Building Owners who are planning to carry out a building project. to ensure they comply with their legal obligations under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996.

Not sure where to start? Why not arrange call back with one of our surveyors, alternatively email us  your drawings and we’ll review your plans and guide provide free no obligation quote.

Need advice straight away? We would love to hear from you, please call us and we’ll endeavour to help. 

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Adjoining Owners as defined within the Party Wall Act are owners of land, buildings or rooms adjoining those of the ‘Building Owner’.

Absolutely we’ll check that the Notice was served correctly and assist in ensuring you reply to the Notice accurately to best protect your property. Email or Call today for free advice.

Planning permission is a separate statutory control which the Party Wall etc Act 1996 does not cover. Planning permission is not always required for building works all under the fall under the Act.

The Planning Portal  provides comprehensive guidance to whether your proposed building project requires planning permission.

You may also require Building Control approval which is also not covered by the Party Wall Act.

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